Course: Theories and Methods of Family Therapy: Foundation of the FieldSep 17, 18, 19, 25, 26, 2021 Description This course introduces the major theories and central concepts that formed the beginning foundations of family therapy. The course will focus on the historical development of systemic family therapy and introduce the following models of family therapy: Bowenian, Contextual, Structural, Strategic, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, and Experiential. A comparative analysis of the various models will assist students in placing the various family therapy tools into an integrated framework. This is an interactive course that uses a variety of teaching and learning processes, including exercises and discussion, in order to effectively translate theories into practical methods for contemporary family therapists. Participants should anticipate that many discussions and interactive methods will require reflection on personal experience. Learning Outcomes Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
Who should attend Psychotherapists, Social Workers, Psychologists, Pastors, Marriage and Family Therapists, etc. Registration For registration, please see: University of Guelph (Open Ed) |